(ii) Holotype: author's reference number
D1 -B total length 5.50 mm. A female without
Head: light, ginger brown, moderately sculptured and covered with erect bristles
that are conspicuous at the rear side of the
head. The mandibles are normal for Myrmica,
having a large apical tooth and others reducing
in size. The eyes appear to be large but in fact
tend to be isometric with headwidth compared
with Myrmica sabuleti. The antennae have
twelve segments and a distinct bend of the
scape near to the base that is typical for the Myrmica scabrinodis group; there are lateral
projections at the bend but these are reduced
and could be confused with the scape of M. scabrinodis. (Headwidth 1.02 mm, head
length 1.12 mm, frons width 0.40 mm, eye
length 0.28 mm, length of a typical bristle
0.15 mm; see Fig. 1 for details of measurement.)
Thorax: the thorax is moderately
sculptured and slightly darker than the head,
the parapsidal furrows are distinct. The spines
are relatively short and blunt, curved inwards. Bristles are obvious,especially on the pronotum
and scutellum. The legs are normal for the
genus Myrmica, having large pectinate spurs
on the tibia of the first pair and reduced
pectinate spurs on the remaining pairs.
(Thorax width 0.96 mm; thorax length
1.70 mm, spine length 0.32 mm; see Fig. 1.)
Abdomen: the gaster is lighter in colour
than the head. The petiole is wide and the
post-petiole is very wide. Bristles are obvious
especially on the petiole region (Fig. 2). The
post-petiole is wider than it is
a tendency for the surface of the petiole node
(seen in lateral profile) to slope backwards
when compared with that of a Myrmica sabuleti queen (Fig. 2). A sting is present.
(Post-petiole width 0.62 mm, post-petiole height 0.53 mm, post-petiole length 0.44 mm, petiole width 0.38 mm, petiole length 0.50 mm; see Fig. 1.)
(iii) Paratype: a winged male; author's reference number D1-10, total length 5.30 mm.
Head: is shiny black, finely punctuated with erect hairs that are easily visible at the back of the head. The clypeus is smooth and shiny and the mandibles have a large apical tooth and several equally small teeth. The eyes are isometric with head width but appear to be large and protruding. The antennae has thirteen segments, the scape is
short with a bend near to the base. (Headwidth 0.82 mm, head length 0.90 mm, frons width 0.24 mm, eye length 0.28 mm, scape length 0.50 mm, length of a typical bristle
0.14 mm; see Fig. 1 for measurement.)
Thorax: is the same colour as the head
having fine striations. The wings are as Myrmica with a closed discoidal and partially
dissected cubital cell. The legs are yellowish
brown with large pectinate spurs on the tibia
of the first pair and reduced pectinate spurs
on the other two pairs. The spines are rudimentary
and have some bristles. (Thorax
width 0.8 mm, thorax length 1.80 mm; see
Fig. 1.)
Abdomen: is black and shiny with
obvious long hairs. These are particularly
visible on the petiole and post-petiole. The
post-petiole is wide compared to headwidth
and is wider than it is high, contrasted with M.sabuleti where the post-petiole is higher
than it is wide. (Post-petiole width 0.56 mm,
post-petiole height 0.56 mm, post-petiole
length 0.46 mm, petiole width 0.42 mm,
petiole length 0.44 mm; see Fig. 1.)