Antennae inserted in the middle of the face, remote, longer than the head and thorax, geniculated, hairy; 13-jointed, basal joint short, but twice as long as the second which is subglobose, the third and following oblong, those beyond the fifth being rather obovate-truncate, terminal joint the longest, elongate-conic. Labrum large and exserted, coriaceous, dilated at the base, each side producing a small lobe beneath; anterior margin rounded and notched with a few bristles and ciliated.
Mandibles none, at least in the male.
Maxillae large and dilated, terminated by a broad membranous and ciliated lobe, meeting behind the mentum when at rest. Palpi rather long and slender, 4-jointed, basal joint the smallest, second and third of nearly equal length, 4th long subfusiform.
Mentum subovate, truncated at the base, with an arched suture towards the top. Lip none ? Palpi rather long and slender triarticulate, first and second joints nearly of equal length, the third longer and subfusiform.
Head subglobose. Eyes globose. Ocelli very prominent, forming a large triangle. Thorax ovate. Metathorax bidentate. Peduncle biarticulate, second joint the largest and globose. Abdomen ovate-conic, 5-jointed, basal joint covering the greater portion of the body. Wings with a trigonate stigma, the marginal cell pedicled at the apex; one discoidal cell, and the apical nervures obscure. Legs rather long. Thighs long slender, dilated in the middle. Tibiae short, anterior producing a pectinated spine. Tarsi 5-jointed, basal joint as long as the tibia, the remainder oblong. Claws small, pulvilli distinct.
Obs. All the figures and description were taken from a male.
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